
miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015

Second term

My team was formed by Ginés, Andrea, Alejandra, Javier and me.
Here we explain all about it:


- Field: We can play on either a basketball court or on a soccer field, as long as the field is rectangular. If the field is like this, it’s perfect for a 6v6 experience, and it’s big enough for the frisbee to fly around.

- Players and Sub-teams: The class will be divided into 8 sub-teams. Two sub-teams form a full team. The teams will change their 2 sub-teams on each match.
There will be up to eight matches, played two at the same time, being as follows:
First & second matches:
-ST1+ST2 vs ST3+ST4
​-ST5+ST6 vs ST7+ST8

Third & fourth matches:
-ST1+ST6 vs​ ST7+ST4
​-ST5+ST2 vs ST3+ST8

Fifth and sixth matches:
-ST1+ST3 vs ST2+ST8
-ST5+ST7 vs ST6+ST4

Seventh and eighth matches:
-ST1+ST4 vs ST6+ST3
-ST5+ST8 vs ST2+ST7

Each sub-team will be formed by 3 students except ST1, which will have four members in it. The sub-teams are as follows:
ST1: (student A, student B, student C and student D)
ST2: (student E, student F and student G)
ST3: (student H, student I and student J)
ST4: (student K, student L and student M)
ST5: (student N, student O and student P)
ST6: (student Q, student R and student S)
ST7: (student T, student U and student V)
ST8: (student W, student X and student Y)

The scoring of the game is as follows: Two points for a win, one point for a tie and zero points for a loss. The sub-team with the most points wins.

- Starting the game: The game starts at the center of the field. Someone flips a coin to decide which team gets to throw the frisbee first. The opposing team is not allowed to enter the center circle until the frisbee is thrown.

- Game in play: Just like in almost any sport, if the team passes the frisbee to one of its players out of the line, the opposite team gets to throw. If the frisbee touches the ground, the last person who touched the frisbee loses his turn, and the other team gets to throw.

- Pole!: The point of the game is to hit the opposite team’s pole (goal) with the frisbee, and the team with the most hits after the specified time is the winner. There is no goalkeeper, since it’s already challenging to hit the pole with good accuracy.

- How long is a game?: Each match will last 10 minutes.

MY OPINION ABOUT THE GAME: Well, I'm not the one who have to say the opinion because I haven't play the game yet but I would like to. I think that we have done a good work because of the organisation and the complex way of doing the teams by smaller ones. Also because we saw the people having a good time, and that is the most important thing.